miércoles, 2 de junio de 2021

Post Graduate Studies


When I finally decided to study psychology a few years ago, I did not think about how important the postgraduate studies were, I had the innocent belief that just having a bachelor’s degree was enough for getting a job, but in a field that it is so broad like psychology it is necessary (if not an obligation) to have a specific formation to give the best and more efficient treatments to our patients.

At the moment I am interested in all that is clinical research, mainly about eating disorders and body dysmorphia, I would really like to take some courses and qualifications to treat people with this kind of disorders, that are sadly becoming more common nowadays because of social media exposure and impossible beauty standards.

I would like to take part-time courses once I am done with my career, probably here in Chile because I am really dependent on my friends and family, and I do not think I could travel to another country on my own for studies, I am really shy and get easily lost, so It is not an option for me leaving the country (or at least not alone), also, I am not a big fan of online courses (now I do not have more options because of pandemic), so I do not think I would take one of those for postgraduate studies, I would definitely prefer presential and part time classes.

6 comentarios:

  1. It would be awesome that just the bachelor degree would be enough to get a job..but sadly, I think it's not..we must focus on the present and finish what we started first--one problem at the time

  2. It must be so nice to be able to support and help others, it's a very nice career<3

  3. Its so sad but interesting the topic about eating disorders, evidence how the culture and social expectations impact on our hopes and desires, I hope you will study something related to that and help people :)

  4. I think eating disorders are a very relevant topic in the various genres,I would have loved to see a psychologist specializing in that in my teenage years.

  5. I really love psychology, it was one of my options of career. It's very ineteresting :)

  6. I always recommend going to study abroad, it can be a postgraduate course of one year or less and it will give you new experiences and you won't be away from your loved ones for so long time


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