martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

My future job


For start I have to say, I am one of the lucky persons that get the chance of studying something they love, I am currently in fourth year of psychology and I have loved (most of) the career, I project myself working in a mental hospital or in a clinical environment, although I have been recently attracted to sports psychology from a community intervention point of view.

I have always been deeply interested in learning from and about people, I think every mind is a different world full of knowledge (even of the people I do not like), that adding I have always been curious, and psychology is the perfect career where I can learn not only from theory and research, but also from people, while at the same time I am helping them.

Nowadays, even when psychology is one of the most requested careers at national level, not many people understand what therapists do, a lot of people still believes that therapist only treat “crazy people” or that they are dedicated to medicate their patients, when it is not the case. There is a huge prejudice about mental health specialists, even when Chile is one of the countries with worst mental health in the world according to the World Health Organization, It is important to acknowledge the importance of mental health, mostly in the current times.

Here is a beautiful short film that summarize about what therapists aims to do, enjoy!

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Why Psychology?


I love my career, but It would not be true If I say I have always wanted to study Psychology, and even in a particular moment of my life I hated therapists. So, how was that I changed my mind about it? Well, when I was approximately fifteen years old I watched a documentary, It was about Vincent Van Gogh, I was touched by his tragic life and his breathtaking work, so I started to investigate more about him, and about other artists as well, not only focusing in visual arts, I also learnt about musicians and writers whose life were tragically beautiful and how some of them committed suicide, many because they could not find someone who understanded how they felt, so I started to feel a deep empathy with artists in general, so I thought “Maybe I would be a good art historian”, so my first career choice until I turned seventeen was Theory and History of Art, and then, all of the sudden I did not wanted to study that anymore, not because I did not like art, but because I understanded that what I really wanted was to help people, to ease their sadness and pain, and not only learn about them, but help them.

Wheatfield with Crows, Vincent Van Gogh, 1890

English Language Challenges

  I learnt English when I was young thanks to video games, and later on because I used many English sites (9gag, tumblr, among others), I th...