miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Summer Holidays

A place I would like to go on summer vacation once the pandemic ends is Mexico, my stepbrother and sisters live there with my nephews, so I would love to go there with my mother and sister to visit and hanging out with them!

Some of the things that I would like to do with my family there is simply going out to eat. In Mexico food is delicious and cheap, I really like spicy food and something they use a lot is chili and many kinds of sauces, I have tasted Mexican fast food here, but is probably not as good as the original Mexican food, so I would love to visit many restaurants and food trucks as possible.

I do not know many things about Mexico, so I would like to learn as much as I can while I am there, so going to museums and different touristic places is a must. I would like to walk around with my family and meet people from there, I have heard that Mexican people is warm and kind, so I am excited to go there and try to make some friends.

Unfortunately, my brother and sisters told me that there is a lot of delinquency (they live in DF), and it is important to always be accompanied and alert, they have even considered to return to Chile because of that, but everything here is too expensive, and their work is not well paid here (musician, actress and scenic designer), so it is still better living there than here.

Anyway, I miss them a lot, and would love to see them soon once the pandemic is over.

martes, 15 de junio de 2021

My favorite Videogame



For this free themed blog, I would like to tell you about my favorite videogame franchise which is called Silent Hill.

Silent Hill is an horror game, the first delivery was in 1999 for PlayStation 1, the first time I got the chance for playing it was when I was about 7 years old, my sister’s  ex-boyfriend used to lend me his console and games, and they told me specifically that I could not play that game because it was for “grown up” only, which made me took the determination for playing it once I was alone. I put the game on the PS1 and that was one of the firsts times I was truly afraid, I did not play it for more than a few minutes and it was enough for not wanting to play it anytime soon.

This was the scene that made me stop playing it.

I forgot about this franchise until I turned 12, for Christmas I got a hacked-PlayStation 2, so with time I got many pirated games, among them Silent Hill 2, 3, 4 and Origins. I played all of them (most of the time using internet guides, they were too difficult for 12 years old me), I loved feeling terrified for these games, and soon I was joining forums of the game, sharing theories, and chatting with other fans of the franchise.

Nowadays I am still a huge fan of the franchise, sadly the Silent Hill develop team was removed years ago, and the person who wanted to keep up with the franchise – Hideo Kojima – leaved the company, so Silent Hill will not have new games anymore. But that does not matter, because it is still an amazing franchise, with one of the best horror story ever told.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2021

Post Graduate Studies


When I finally decided to study psychology a few years ago, I did not think about how important the postgraduate studies were, I had the innocent belief that just having a bachelor’s degree was enough for getting a job, but in a field that it is so broad like psychology it is necessary (if not an obligation) to have a specific formation to give the best and more efficient treatments to our patients.

At the moment I am interested in all that is clinical research, mainly about eating disorders and body dysmorphia, I would really like to take some courses and qualifications to treat people with this kind of disorders, that are sadly becoming more common nowadays because of social media exposure and impossible beauty standards.

I would like to take part-time courses once I am done with my career, probably here in Chile because I am really dependent on my friends and family, and I do not think I could travel to another country on my own for studies, I am really shy and get easily lost, so It is not an option for me leaving the country (or at least not alone), also, I am not a big fan of online courses (now I do not have more options because of pandemic), so I do not think I would take one of those for postgraduate studies, I would definitely prefer presential and part time classes.

English Language Challenges

  I learnt English when I was young thanks to video games, and later on because I used many English sites (9gag, tumblr, among others), I th...