martes, 13 de julio de 2021

English Language Challenges


I learnt English when I was young thanks to video games, and later on because I used many English sites (9gag, tumblr, among others), I think my English comprehension is relatively good, but not my fluence – and better not speak about my speech which is not really good –  I think the most challenging thing about learning English in university is making more complex ideas than just random comments, writing about a subjects with a minimum count of words was kind of difficult too, as well using formal language and not just abbreviations or slangs. I think I need to improve my writing skills – in a formal aspect mostly –, and for that I think I could start chatting with people from another countries, ideally native English speakers – I have a Bengali friend and we communicate through English, but we both notice that our English is kind of elementary – Anyway, I think it is going to be difficult for me, because I already have problems communicating in Spanish (I am very shy and I barely speak to my friends)  and I do not think this is going to be better in English.

Other aspect I must improve of my English, as I said above, is my speech. Being shy is not helpful at all in this, but I need to practice speaking before going to any country where the native language is not Spanish, after all, English is still the universal language, and if I do not know well the native language, at least I can speak proper English, and ask for directions or anything necessary.

(I do not think I will download duolingo anytime soon, I think the owl may be angry with me because I leave my english and french lessons without any warning)

jueves, 1 de julio de 2021

A little problem with my career


I would say that I like most of my career, although there is a huge psychoanalytic bias – mostly from Freudian perspective – in the first two and half years, and in my opinion it is problematic since psychoanalysis is not scientifically validated, and have way too much speculation – like if you have a problem with authority and you are woman is because “you are jealous of the penis of men” – and silly and ridiculous as it sound there is many psychology students that prefers studying this perspective over studying basic statistics or psychometry, and I think is mostly because of the bias of the first semesters.

Then, even when there are many required courses that have a scientifically and evidenced-proved perspective many choose to not pay to much attention to them, because “they are not what they need for practice as a psychologist.”, and better not mention about optional courses with this perspective, because of the hundred and so students many of these courses only have like fifteen or ten students – and many of them have been canceled due this – Some professors say that they do not understand well about this situation, but they think it is because of the exposed above, that is, the psychoanalytic bias.

 I do not really have a problem with the people who like reading about this psychology school. Actually, I enjoy a lot of surreal and dreamlike based art, but it is art, the problem begins when you study a career that is supposed to help people who is suffering and apply speculations as a treatment. The least you can do for the people who place their hopes on you is offering them the best and more effective treatment.

English Language Challenges

  I learnt English when I was young thanks to video games, and later on because I used many English sites (9gag, tumblr, among others), I th...