martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Best Genre


I must start saying that I’m not a big fan of movies (I prefer reading or playing to be honest), but I can say that I’m a total fan of Horror in general.

Since I was very little, I have always loved to be a bit scared (I loved to watch things like “Are you afraid of the dark?” and “Goosebumps” when I was like 7 years old or less), after that, I used to watch 80’s movies with one of my older sisters – who also loves horror – they were not that scary, mostly because the special effects were not that good (they are actually kind of funny nowadays). But then, when I was 10 years old, I watched a movie I shouldn’t have, which made me really scared and was nightmare fuel for several months, that movie was “Ju On” (the original version of “The Grudge”) and after that incident, I did not watch any horror movie for a while.

(Ju On promocional poster, japanese horror is my favorite)

After that “shock” of horror, no movie was good enough, all of them were full of “screamers” and others cheap ways of terror, that was until in 2018 when I watched the best horror movie I have ever seen: Hereditary. Hereditary is not only a good horror film, its photography and the performance of the actors is amazing. It is a totally must see if you like true horror.

Here is the trailer if you are interested, it is wonderful!


6 comentarios:

  1. Scary movies are great..and It's kind of a good way of course..but sometimes it can be too much..and you get too sacared

  2. I'm not a real fan of Horror, but Ari Aster it's a genius of cinema. Hereditary and Midsommar are clearly movies that you can enjoy even if you dislike the genre.

  3. Personally I can’t watch horror movies, I feel like my heart is going out of body. Anyway there are very good movies within the horror genre, like Hereditary, which is a very good movie!

  4. Hereditary is very very good! but it is not for sensitive people, I have to admit that he told me to sleep two nights after

  5. Hereditary is very very good! but it is not for sensitive people, I have to admit that he told me to sleep two nights after

  6. I like to watch horror movies sometimes, although I'm not a big fan. I have the feeling that I would love to play horror games hahaha, I hope soon I´ll be able to do it.


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